The Link Between Design & Storytelling

Every picture tells a story.

Whether you are creating landscape art or illustration... painting flowers or cowboys, religious scenes or pet portraits... there's something you are trying to express.

A fleeting moment of joy. An observation about life. A humorous episode. A shattering crises. A thing of beauty.

Hope. Faith. Love. Strength. Loss. Pain. Turmoil.

The way you design your painting will enhance the story and emotional impact.

Discover the hidden architecture embedded in great art and illustration, allowing you to understand the process of creating art in a whole new way.

Meet Don Victor Vargas

After in-depth analysis of thousands of images created by master painters and illustrators, Don Victor Vargás devised a method that all artists can use to compose masterworks. As founder of the Academy of Composition, Don Victor lectures on the relationship between storytelling and composition across the US and Europe, in universities, museums, and art studios. Using his unique teaching methods, he has taught artists around the world to design well-composed artwork, so they can effectively share their stories with the world.

Prepare to be amazed!

Don Victor changed the way I view and create art. And that's why I'm excited to have him share his knowledge with you too.

In this Art Talk, you will gain valuable insights that will open your eyes to a new way of viewing the great master artists, understanding the design process, and ultimately, how to tell your own stories.

Running time: 37 minutes

Note: This lecture contains some Renaissance art with religious and humanistic themes.